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Recycling technology in the Twin Cities

MINNEAPOLIS -- Electronic Recycling Drops have been around for years. When you drop off your old printer, computers or other electronics they probably end up in North Minneapolis, at OceanTech, to be torn apart and recycled.

MINNEAPOLIS -- Electronic Recycling Drops have been around for years. When you drop off your old printer, computers or other electronics they probably end up in North Minneapolis, at OceanTech, to be torn apart and recycled.

"Some of the computers and laptops will have different types of precious metals such as gold and others." said Mike Satter, Vice President of OceanTech.

Yes, he said gold. The other stuff; aluminum, plastic, and copper all get separated.

Hard drives, which hold all of the data from a computer, are destroyed. The shredded steel left behind is then sent to other companies for more recycling.

Oceantech is an R2, Responsible Recycling company. An R2 rating means they follow the highest level of environmental compliance and responsibility.

"We are looking to create a second life for the hardware that comes in here, so again, computers, laptops, tablets. We want to make sure that if it has a chance to go back to a school district or a medium size company that's going to be our ultimate goal," Satter said.

There are several R2 certified locations across the United States. Learn more here.

Hennepin County Hazardous Waste

Ramsey County Hazardous Waste

Learn More about: OceanTech

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