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Geri Halliwell on Why the Spice Girls Reunion Never Happened

The long-awaited Spice Girls reunion is one that fans will have to wait��a long time for.

The long-awaited Spice Girls reunion is one that fans will have to wait��a long time for.

Geri Horner (formally Halliwell)��opened up in a new interview with Red released on Thursday about why the girl group never got back together.��

"I really pushed to get everyone back together. It got to the point where I just had to let it go," Horner shares. "I still love the girls, and there are other bits and bobs in the pipeline."

Last year, Horner, Mel B and Emma Bunton reunited to celebrate "Wannabe's" 20th anniversary and announce��their new group name GEM. It was later revealed that Victoria Beckham and Mel C weren't rejoining the group as they were��focused on their personal careers.

Horner, aka Ginger Spice, was the first to exit the group in 1998 and go solo, but reveals that she had a hard time adjusting to performing on her own.

"I found it really hard to let it go. It was weird to have the silence," she explains. "It took me a long time to adjust emotionally. Your early twenties is a very shaping era, very defining. I didn���t come to a complete stop. I did solo work, but I missed being part of something, I always loved the 'we-are-one' feeling."

Nowadays, Horner is mother to 11-year-old daughter Bluebell and 9-month-old son Montague and wants "to reclaim my identity" and "do things I���m proud of and contribute to the world."

She��also adds that she���s "moved on from being a pop star" and isn't sure if being a singer is the lifestyle that works well with her family at this time.

"Am I prepared to do gigs? I performed at 1.30 a.m. one night, got in at 4.30 a.m. in the morning and Bluebell woke me up at 8.30 a.m. wanting her mum," she explains. "I���m not sure that lifestyle is conducive to where I���m at right now."

For more on the Spice Girls, watch below.

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