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Radio vet Brian Oake leaves Cities 97

Longtime Twin Cities radio personality and music curator Brian Oake surprised Cities 97 listeners Friday morning by announcing he is leaving the station.
Veteran Twin Cities radio personality Brian Oake (seen here with Jack Black) announced Friday he is leaving Cities 97 after nearly 15 years.

MINNEAPOLIS - Longtime Twin Cities radio personality and music curator Brian Oake surprised Cities 97 listeners Friday morning by announcing he is leaving the station.

"This is something that if I didn't take a shot at it I would regret it for the rest of my life," Oake said when he explained why he was calling it quits.

Oake, known for his love and staunch support of local music and the artists who make it, announced his departure from Cities 97 at 8 a.m. with his morning on-air partner Keri Noble. He assured listeners that the choice to leave was his, saying he struggled with the decision more than any other he has made in his adult life.

"Change is part of what we do," he assured listeners. "It's what we have to do."

"We've known for a while. It's one of those things where you can't be upset for somebody going after their dreams," Noble said.

Brian Oake was steadfast during his nearly 15-year run on Cities 97 about celebrating live music. His "Oake on the Water" events brought music fans to watering holes across the Twin Cities to hear artists play their songs live and stripped down. He played an instrumental role in carrying on the tradition of live performances in Studio C, many of which ended up on the coveted Cities Sampler collections that have become a time-honored part of the holidays.

Most recently he was paired with musician-turned-radio host Keri Noble for the Cities 97 morning show. The two had instant chemistry, and their back-and-forth exchanges and battle of the sexes banter provided plenty of laughs. Oake nearly made it through his announcement without tears, but his voice broke when he thanked Noble for their time together. "I fell in love with radio again," Oake said, expressing his love and friendship with Noble.

"You have taught me everything I know about radio," Noble responded, her voice breaking. "There will never be another Brian Oake."

Oake offered no details on exactly why he made his decision to leave or what comes next, but did cryptically refer to "an opportunity" he will be pursuing. He left no doubt, however, that he won't forget his time at Cities 97.

"An incredible adventure," Oake mused.

"The hardest thing to come to grips with...the most difficult part of this decision was this," Oake said nodding over to Noble sitting across the table.

"I know that the show will go on and I know that everybody will be okay. That's not the thing that is the most painful. The most painful thing is I'm going to miss my friend," Noble said.

Oake left a written statement on the Cities 97 website Friday morning. It reads:

It's hard to believe that nearly 15 years have gone by since I started at Cities97. I mean, that's half of my adult life! Still, they are years I wouldn't trade for anything. This has been the most unexpected, satisfying and genuinely amazing ride. It's hard to imagine that I am actually closing this chapter, but the time has come for me to move on. However, I have a few thank you's before I go.

First, a sincere thank you to my many colleagues over the last 15 years. Radio is a very dynamic business i.e. people get fired a lot. I have been here long enough to see so many amazing people come and go. Programmers, Sales Staff, Promotions Staff, Management, Interns, Fellow DJs... people who taught me, challenged me, inspired me and made me better. Way too many to list, but please know that anytime I sounded good or was part of something amazing, there were dozens of talented people all around me that were likely more responsible for it than I was. I like to say 'I love working with professionals' and I have been fortunate to have been surrounded by a great many of them. I am deeply in their debt.

Thank you, Cities97. Here, I found a home. A place that valued music as much as I do. I think my very favorite part of working here was all the Studio C performances. As the Afternoon Drive Guy for 11 years, I had a front row seat for hundreds and hundreds of the most intimate, amazing musical performances. I've interviewed some of the biggest names in music in that room. I've also made a few friends. But whether it was a superstar like Adele/Ed Sheeran, or a little indie band no one had ever heard of, it didn't really matter. Every time the doors closed and the lights dimmed, you could tell that something special was about to happen. A nervous hush would fall over the audience and the alchemy of that incredible room would begin...I saw it so many times and it never, ever got old.

But mostly, I want to thank you, the listener. You are the reason everything Cities 97 does works. You are the ones who listen. You are the ones that made 13 seasons of Oake On The Water the best summer party there was. You are the ones that, year after year, get up early to go out and buy the Sampler. You are the ones that come by the thousands to the Basilica Block Party. You complete the circuit. Over the years, you have been very, very kind to me. I am humbled. Thank you.

Finally, I want to thank Keri Noble. My ally, my confidant and my dear, dear friend. You helped me fall back in love with radio, for which I can never repay you properly. I have enjoyed our partnership so much. I hate leaving our show, but you know this is something I have to do. You're funny, you're smart and you're kind. I'm going to miss you like crazy, partner.

For legal reasons, I cannot say what is next for me. Suffice to say, I have an opportunity in the coming year. I cannot be certain that this is the right move, but I do know that if I didn't at least try, I'd regret it for the rest of my life.

Be well. Be decent to those around you. Keep exploring and celebrating music. Thank you, for all of it.

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