GOLDEN VALLEY, Minn. — The tulips growing at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum make for quite the spectacle, but did you know there are several different types of these flowers?
We know most folks can recognize and identify tulips, but now, you can impress your fellow flower lovers by identifying each form:
- Darwin Hybrids have a classic tulip look with long, strong stems and are great for cutting. They also come back each year as a perennial.
- Fosteriana tulips are also perennials. The flowers are huge and definitely worth adding to your spring garden.
- Species tulips, also perennials, are the very first tulips and responsible for all of the beautiful hybrids we have today.
- Triumph tulips come in the widest array of colors and make up the largest group of tulips. Beautiful, but good for only one season here in Minnesota.
- Double tulips have so many petals they're also referred to as peony tulips.
- Fringe tulips got their name from the fringed edges to their petals, also known as crispa tulips.
- Parrot tulips have a similar ruffle along their petals.
- Greigi, Kauffman and lily-flowered tulips all have petals that point up and outward.
- Single early tulip blossoms last a long time because they bloom when the weather is still cool.
- Single late tulips bloom later in the season with warmer temperatures.
- French single late tulips have an unmistakable teardrop-shaped flower.
- And last up, the very fancy Viridiflora tulips have an unusual green incorporated into the flower.
Each and everyone so beautiful, and all together, make quite a display.
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