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Grow with KARE: Minnesota Water Garden Society Garden at the MN State Fair

The garden was one of the fair's original “Adopt-a-Garden” gardens established in 2001.

FALCON HEIGHTS, Minn. — Sometimes you just need a quiet place to relax and perhaps digest for a little while at the fair. And a sponsored garden is just the place for that!

We recommend checking out this beautiful garden planted and maintained by the Minnesota Water Garden Society.

The MWGS Water Garden, located between the Ag/Hort Building and Food Building at Carnes & Underwood, is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily — and bring your questions because members will be there with answers!

The garden was one of the fair's original 2001 “Adopt-a-Garden” gardens.

Two up-flow bogs and one down-flow bog provide water filtration to the two streams and the pond. You’ll find fish there, too, with koi, goldfish and shubunkins swimming around.

And of course — the plants!

Water plants

  • Cattails
  • Wanvisa and Chromatella water lilies
  • Arrowhead
  • Bogbean
  • Marsh marigold
  • Blue flag iris
  • Monkeyflower
  • European brooklime
  • Water-me-nots
  • Aquatic mint
  • Variegated sweet flag
  • Perry D. Slocum lotus
  • Red Stem Taro
  • Minerva canna-striped beauty

Plus, a bunch of other evergreens, perennials, vines, shrubs and trees to enhance the garden space. It’s truly a gem and a fantastic collection.

There are also water containers that can serve as great inspiration for those wanting to add to their own gardens at home.

State Fair-goers are welcome to stroll through the garden free of charge. Just be sure to close the bunny gate as you leave to keep those pesky garden munchers at bay.

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