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A picture of an egg has topped Kylie Jenner as the most liked Instagram ever

The egg surpassed Kylie Jenner's post Sunday night and is sitting at around 19 million likes.

A picture of an egg that was posted Jan. 4 on Instagram has now become the most liked picture on the popular platform, beating out Kylie Jenner.

The Egg Gang account's username is @world_record_egg.

The account's bio reads "Kylie Jenner has the record for the most likes on an Instagram post with 18M. Can we beat it with a picture of an egg?"

The egg surpassed Kylie Jenner's post Sunday night and is sitting at around 19 million likes at the time of publishing this story.

Credit: world_record_egg
The most liked picture on Instagram as of Jan. 13, 2019.

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