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Chris and Dave explain the Olympic 'Slap'

More than two weeks of long hours and Olympic craziness can make someone downright slap happy. Just ask KARE 11's Chris Hrapsky and Dave Schwartz. 

RIO - Most of the time, behind the scenes TV stuff can be a little boring, a touch mundane.

Not so when you're talking Olympics, and a couple of colorful characters like KARE 11's Chris Hrapsky and Dave Schwartz.

Al Roker gets slap happy with Chris Hrapsky

Chris and Dave operated in Rio as multi-platform journalists, meaning that when out on a story that were acting as reporter, producer and photographer, all wrapped up into one. On many stories they used more than one camera, requiring them to use a trick to allow them to match or 'synch' audio when editing. The standard procedure is to use a hand clap as a reference, but when you're holding a microphone in one hand it's impossible to clap.

Michele Tafoya gets slap happy with Chris Hrapsky

Thus was born the 'slap', a trick Chris and Dave used when interviewing athletes and celebs in Rio. Check out the collection of famous slaps they compiled from their two-plus weeks in Rio, from Gold m. It may make your own cheeks hurt just watching.

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