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Woman helps teens escape juvenile corrections facility

ST PAUL, Minn. - A 29-year-old woman has been charged with helping two teenage boys escape from Boys Totem Town (BTT) a juvenile corrections facility.

Karen Meyer mug shot. She's accused of assisting teens escape juevenile correction facility.

ST PAUL, Minn. - A 29-year-old woman has been charged with helping two teenage boys escape from Boys Totem Town (BTT) a juvenile corrections facility.

The charges claim that Karen Meyer who worked as an independent mental health therapist on a contract basis at BTT assisted in the teens' escape on February 11, 2016.

One of the boys was found shorty after his escape because he was wearing a GPS bracelet. The other teen has not been found.

Police were told that BTT staff found out that Meyer had taken a "special interest" in one of the teens and saw him several times a day. She has been accused of not seeing her other patients and kissing the 17-year-old during his sessions.

According to the charges other residents at the facility had heard from the teen who was captured that Meyer had provided money and transportation for the escape. It is also believed that the teen who has not been found stayed at Meyer's house after he escaped.

The missing teen had been in the facility since August 20, 2015 for Criminal Damage to Property. Ramsey County Juvenile Court ordered his placement at Boys Totem Town for four to nine months. His current whereabouts are unknown.

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