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Swish, gargle, spit: New COVID-19 test now available in Eden Prairie

Twin Cities Orthopedics and OralDNA Labs have teamed up to make the oral rinse COVID-19 test available to the public from a site in Eden Prairie.

EDEN PRAIRIE, Minnesota — A new kind of COVID-19 test is now available to the public at a site in Eden Prairie. It's the first and only FDA Emergency Use Authorized oral rinse of its kind and it was created in Minnesota. 

On Thursday morning, Andrew Bradley of St. Paul was waiting in his car to get the test. 

"I have some friends who did, I guess back in June, the nose test specifically and said that it was akin to getting poked in the brain. So I'm hoping that this is a little bit less invasive," Bradley said. 

The saline oral rinse takes 30 seconds. The person getting tested is given a saltwater solution. They swish, gargle and spit into a tube. The test comes from OralDNA Labs in Eden Prairie. 

"For the older person who has a difficult time producing saliva, the oral rinse is a better solution than saliva. For the younger child, who's afraid of the swab, we take the swab away. All they have to do is swish and spit," said Dr. Ron McGlennen, president and medical director of Access Genetics and OralDNA Labs. 

Credit: Heidi Wigdahl
This PCR detection test requires a 30-second oral rinse collection with sterile saline.

Dr. McGlennen said originally they did a combination — using a swab and saline. But they're now able to take the swab away. In September, the FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization for the test. 

The oral rinse was key to helping Twin Cities Orthopedics (TCO) resume surgeries in May. 

RELATED: Live updates: Minnesota hits new records in daily COVID-19 cases, current hospitalizations

"Ultimately, the partnership has helped us keep our clinics and surgery centers open. But I would say most importantly it's helped us keep our employees and patients safe during this time," said Janet Benton, vice president of clinic services at TCO. 

Now TCO and OralDNA have teamed up to make the test available to anyone. They wanted to roll out the testing prior to the holidays to meet demand. 

Outside OralDNA Labs in Eden Prairie, an RV is parked. OralDNA provides the supplies, as well as processes and produces test results. TCO's health care professionals administer the test. 

Credit: Heidi Wigdahl
A COVID-19 mobile unit sits in the parking lot of OralDNA Labs in Eden Prairie.

"Our test is greater than 99% sensitive and 100% specific," Dr. McGlennen said. "Bottom line... this is the best-of-class PCR test." 

Results come back in 24-48 hours but Dr. McGlennen said it is likely to come back before the end of the day. 

RELATED: State health officials plan target COVID-19 testing for 18-35 age group

As Bradley finished his test, he said, "Wow. Nice and easy." 

Anyone can get tested, for any reason. It cost $150. Those interested should touch base with their insurance company to find out about possible reimbursement. 

OralDNA Labs is located at 7400 Flying Cloud Drive in Eden Prairie. It's the only place in the state where the public can get the oral rinse test. 

You can sign up for an appointment, here

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