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Hennepin County leaders work to keep beaches and pools safe

County leaders monitor nearly 500 pools and 31 different public swimming beaches.

Along Bde Maka Ska, it's a great day for a bike ride or a walk.

As for swimming at Thomas Beach, not so fast.

"Usually this beach is busy so it's weird to see it like dead," said Ell Erhart.

High bacteria levels have shut the beach down until at least next Monday. The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board will routinely monitor and test the water.

Speaking of testing, Hennepin County Leaders showed us how they're monitoring our lakes and pools.

Environmentalist Twila Singh tested for PH and chlorine levels at a pool in Excelsior Wednesday. Something they do at nearly 500 pools within the county. They also test for bacteria levels at county beaches.

"We do beaches, we do pools," said Singh.

She is also aware of the fecal parasite the CDC is warning about Cryptosporidium. 

"For example if our epidemiology team did get a report of Crypto they would inform us and we would investigate using their advice," said Singh.

Hennepin County leaders say they monitor and inspect 31 different public swimming beaches weekly.

They have a map for real time public updates

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