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Playing chess with Max Brosmer

Minnesota's QB enjoys playing chess as a hobby that helps him on the football field.

MINNEAPOLIS — Solving a cover-two defense is a chess match Max Brosmer loves.

The Gophers starting quarterback and KARE 11 sports reporter Will Hall sat down for a game of real chess earlier this week.

Will: How long have you been playing and why is this game drawn into you?

Max: "I think I really started playing chess my freshman year of college, which is about six years ago, crazy I'm saying six years ago. You know I think for me, it's the relationship between chess and football. Number one it's a mind game, I've always talked about my strength is my preparation and how I can see the field, and chess is something similar where you have to see a move or two ahead. So there's a little bit of that competitive nature in me where I'm about to make a move that's going to ruin your day and that's my favorite part about playing."

Will: What does that wristband mean?

Max: "The first three things you want to do in the opening is CDP, which is control the center, develop your pieces which means get them off the back line, and protect your king. I wear it every single day on my wrist. You talk about threats and attacks on my wristband. I wear it for every game and every practice. For a long time, I don't know how many years I've worn it for, but I haven't taken it off."

Max: "So for threats and attacks, you're constantly assessing on the football field as a quarterback where you're getting threatened by, which is like chess because you have to assess where you're getting threatened by, but also where you can attack at the same time."

"I played him in chess, and it didn't go well for me. He's played a couple of guys, and it doesn't go well for them either."

Will: Greg Harbaugh Jr. (Minnesota Offensive Coordinator) mentioned earlier this week that he played you, didn't go well for him, how am I doing?

Max: "Ok. Not bad."

Will: He also mentioned he's never had a bond with his quarterback like the one he has with you. How would you describe that bond?

Max: "It's very unique. We're limited with our time together. We have one year together. He had to make a decision about what quarterback he wanted in the portal, and vice-versa, I had to make a decision on what school I wanted to go to, and so we had to have a little gut feeling and trust together that this was going to work out ultimately and it's been amazing since I got here."

Will: You guys open up conference play with Iowa under the lights. This will be your first experience with that rivalry game between you guys and the Hawkeyes. What have your teammates told you about that rivalry game?

Max: "I'm excited for the competition and the challenge. Last year, walking away with the Floyd of Rosedale was really cool, and there's energy behind that right now. It's one of those historical rivalry trophies in college football, it's that pageantry that people talk about."

Will: Big season ahead for you, what are you most excited about?

Max: "That's a great question. Playing with this team, and this new environment is something that I could only have dreamed of. Who I'm playing with are all-around class people and that makes playing football a lot more fun."

"It's a fun way to get away from football and I'm glad that I got introduced to it so early."

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