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Meet the team helping grow women's cricket in Minnesota

The MN Monarchs are the only women's team in the region, part of USA Cricket.

BROOKLYN PARK, Minnesota — Cricket is often referred to as a "gentleman's game." Enter the MN Monarchs — a new women's cricket team. 

"It's been a wild, crazy journey in just these few months," said Crystal Zins, vice president of the Minnesota Women's Cricket Club (MWC). 

Cricket is a sport that continues to gain popularity in the United States, and that includes among women and girls. 

"It's picking up with women now. Not only in Minnesota but also internationally, and that's kind of playing a role here," said cricket player Aishani Goswami. 

Cricket is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams with 11 players each. The goal? Score more runs than the opposition. A detailed breakdown of the sport can be found, here

Minnesota Women's Cricket Club formed as a way to reach more women and girls in the state. 

Credit: Heidi Wigdahl
The Minnesota Monarchs had their first summer of competition.

"We gained a lot of momentum. A lot of ladies joined," said Kalaivani Gunasekaran, president of MWC. 

It led to them forming the MN Monarchs — the first women's cricket team in the state that's part of USA Cricket. They play with a hard ball, made of leather. 

Not only are they the only registered team in the state, but the region. 

"We are the only team in the five state area: Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin. We're the only women's team. So we had players playing with us from Illinois and St. Louis," said Charles Peterson, coach of the MN Monarchs. 

This summer, they hosted their first matches. The Women's Cricket Intra Regionals were held in July. 

Credit: Heidi Wigdahl

"If you notice the demographics here, it's mostly women from cricket-playing countries, we call it. So their fathers, their mothers may have played cricket. So they're familiar with the sport. But we feel that this is a sport for everybody," Peterson said. 

They are hoping through the team, more girls and women will take interest in playing the sport. 

Zins had never played cricket until meeting Gunasekaran. 

"She asked me if I wanted to play this game called cricket and at the time I'm like, 'What is this weird game?'" Zins recalled. "I just started with knowing absolutely nothing but everybody just kind of crowded me, and gave me a lot of guidance and help into the sport and learning the ins and outs." 

A diverse age range plays for the Monarchs with the youngest player being 12 years old. 

"It's a little overwhelming but I feel comfortable too with everyone around me," said Samanvitha Vidyapuram, an incoming 7th grader. 

In just a year, Peterson said three of their players have made the top 56 in the nation. 

Shantel Stewart is headed to the Women's National Championship this week in Texas after she was selected to play for the southeast central squad. 

"I'm kind of shocked to be honest but I'm excited," Stewart said. 

There is also a chance she could then get selected to represent Team USA. 

Credit: Heidi Wigdahl
Shantel Stewart is headed to the Women's National Championship this week.

"Cricket is all about unity, community, and just learn from each other to play as a team," Stewart said. 

The MN Monarchs face challenges, like finding available fields to practice on. 

"All the impetus has been towards the men's game or the U-boys game and so we're trying to make a push for the women's game right now," Peterson said. 

The team hopes more women and girls will reach out to MWC, interested in playing cricket. 

Goswami said, "It might be a little intimidating to start because it is male dominated but if you're interested, go for it." 

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