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New creative nonfiction book from Twin Cities author: RADIANT

This new book by Twin Cities author Liz Heinecke explores the lives of two famous women: Marie Curie and Loie Fuller.

"RADIANT: The Dancer, The Scientist and a Friendship Forged in Light" is a new creative nonfiction book that captures scenes from the lives and friendship of Nobel-winning scientist Marie Curie and American-born dancer/inventor Loie Fuller.

The book was written by Liz Heinecke, a Twin Cities author and science communicator with an undergraduate degree in art from Luther College and a master's degree in bacteriology from UW Madison.

Heinecke worked as an academic molecular biology researcher before starting her online educational platform KitchenPantryScientist.com.

She has written seven books teaching kids (and their parents) how to perform simple science experiments at home, including two books that pair science experiments with history lessons about scientists.

In her newest book and first book for adults, Heinecke mixes history, theater, art and science as she focuses on the friendship of two phenomenal women who overcome sexism, personal tragedy and a war to accomplish great things.

RADIANT is out now

You can find out more about Heinecke on Instagram @lizheinecke or on Twitter @kitchpantrysci.


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