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A 'green' way to become a lord or lady in Ireland

If you really want to feel Irish on St. Paddy's Day, why not own a piece of Ireland? Here's how you can not only help our planet, but also get a fancy new title.

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn — There's no better time to go green than on St. Paddy's Day. 

If you're a wee bit Irish, now's your chance to own piece of Ireland. 

"You can for as little as $60 U.S. dollars, buy one square plot of land," said Stephen Rossiter of Celtic Titles

"You are a landowner. It may be a small bit of land, but you can still adopt the title of lord or lady and it's a bit one-upmanship on your neighbor."

That's right. Land owners in Ireland become known as lords and ladies.

"Once you have your plot it is yours forever," said Rossiter. 

What's even better is that your one square foot plot of land is part of a much larger nature reserve.

"The money that we raise goes towards the upkeep of the land, the replanting of trees trying to re-wild the natural habitat," said Rossiter. 

Lords and ladies of Ardmore, Ireland can visit their plot of land and can enjoy the experience of being a landowner and feel part of the community.

"We have in Ireland 120 acres of land in Ireland and there is 40,000 one square foot plots of land per acre and I don't think we've even touched one acre yet in Ireland… there's plenty of land," said Rossiter. 

Buy your plot of land and become a lord or lady by clicking here.

RELATED: Celebrating St. Patrick's Day, Minnesota style

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