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Minnesota Renaissance Festival begins

On opening weekend, characters of all kinds made their way onto the fairgrounds in Shakopee.

SHAKOPEE, Minn — Fables and fairies might get you through the gates, but it's the feeling of family inside that defines the Minnesota Renaissance Festival.

On opening weekend, characters of all kinds made their way onto the fairgrounds in Shakopee.

“Everybody’s here to have fun,” said Terri Monzat,  who drove from South Dakota with her family to attend the fair for the first time. “It’s good for grandchildren to realize you can be an individual and that's okay.”

While first-timers found their footing, faithful fans reunited with their festival family.

“You come back every year to the people you know,” said Deborah Mesker, who runs ‘Hearts Delight’ bodice shop.

After more than 30 years on the Renaissance fair circuit, her retail space is more like a reunion.

“I have customers that I remember from 30 years ago,” Mesker said.

Mesker’s employees have the same staying power. The opening weekend holds special meaning for Candice Peters, a saleswoman. That was when she met Mesker as a 17-year-old.

“I wanted to purchase a corset, but I could not afford it,” Peters said. “And so they were like ‘You can come and work with us.’”

13 years later, she keeps coming back.

“I kind of just stayed,” Peters said. “It’s more like family than it is a job anymore.”

Mesker said it was the culture of acceptance that brought her into Renaissance festivals when she needed it most.

“Well, I got started because I got clean and sober,” Mesker said. ”I had been using drugs and the judge told me I had to do something to support my children legally.”

Minnesota’s festival is just one of many places where Mesker maintains her welcoming atmosphere.

“We do hire people in recovery,” Mesker said of her California-based shop. “We do hire people at our studio who come out of prison, who need a job and a fresh start.”

“She’s kind of like a grandma that I don't have,” Peters said. “An extension of family. Everybody is welcome.”

The Minnesota Renaissance Festival is in its 53rd season, running on weekends through September 29th. For more information, visit renaissancefest.com

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