MINNEAPOLIS — With plans constantly shifting because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Abigail Gewirtz knows that it can be hard to explain to your kids.
But according to Gerwitz, there are some things you can do to help your child manage their worries and disappointments right now.
First, she reminded parents that children experience life through the "bubble" of their family. Parents' stress can spill over to their kids, so it's important for them to take care of themselves.
She also said that helping children manage their reactions to these big changes means first helping them to identify their emotions so they don't feel so overwhelming. Once they've done that, it's important to assure them that it's OK to feel the way they do.
Gerwitz said these "essential conversations" can help parents and children both feel more optimistic and less helpless.
More advice from Gerwitz can be found in her book, "When the World Feels Like a Scary Place."