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Powell BlackTop League blends basketball and accountability in Champlin

"First started out, I thought it was just about basketball," founder Ronald Powell said.

CHAMPLIN, Minn. — Stop by Champlin's Northland Park during the summer, and you're sure to see a game at the parks basketball court. For Ronald Powell, those games mean more than meets the eye.

"First started out, I thought it was just about basketball," Powell said.

Powell founded and runs the Powell BlackTop league with his family, hosting four teams during the summer in the evenings, after his day job and serving as a deacon at a local church. League games have a referee, shot clock and scoreboard, all while playing outside.

The league started as a way to help players continue playing after high school.

"We're all friends, we see each other all the time," Aaron Memene, playing in the league since it's inception three years ago, said. "It's all love at the end of the day."

Games are intense – the PBL playoffs started Thursday night, and competition was stiff.

"The atmosphere is a little different, more competitive today," Memene said.

While those games are competitive, there's more to the league than just basketball.

"You know, they could be doing a lot of other stuff on a Thursday night, Friday night, whatever it is," Powell said. "I feel blessed that they've chosen to be here and share this with us."

That's the reason many players continue coming back – accountability.

"He sends us texts, like group texts, and be like, 'you guys gonna be here tonight?'" Joshua Kerongo, a player, said. "It keeps me in check, and motivated to continue coming out here."

"It's definitely a family out here," Kerongo added.

Powell emphasizes respect and competitiveness with his players as the league continues to grow. While games can get heated, that energy stays on the court – just like he says it should.

"Play basketball, get that frustration out, in a good, positive manner," Powell said. "It's great, man!"

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