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Minnesota groups react to SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade

Anti-abortion groups came together to celebrate the decision while those in support of abortion rights held a vigil.

MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota — Gatherings were held across the Twin Cities on Friday afternoon after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade decision. 

Anti-abortion groups celebrated the announcement with Pro-Life Action Ministries holding a rally at the Warren E. Burger Federal Building and Courthouse in St. Paul. Meanwhile, abortion rights supporters rights grieved together at a vigil hosted by UnRestrict Minnesota and its partners outside the federal courthouse in Minneapolis. 

"It's a day of celebration for us," said Cathy Blaeser with Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL). 

But Blaeser went on to say, "We're having a day of celebration today and then it's back to work tomorrow. We have a lot to do here in the state of Minnesota." 

St. Paul and Minneapolis Archbishop Bernard Hebda released a video statement on the decision echoing a similar sentiment to MCCL saying it filled his heart with a "combination of sadness and gratitude." 

Archbishop Hebda said, "I implore all women and men of good will to join together in prayer and continue working for the end of legal abortion in Minnesota and in the United States. Our elected officials need to hear that we care about moms, dads, babies and families, and that together, we will support them."

Meanwhile, abortion rights supporters gathered at the Minnesota State Capitol. UnRestrict Minnesota announced the "Minnesota Beyond Roe: The Leadership Agenda for Abortion Access" alongside members of the Reproductive Freedom Caucus.  

RELATED: SCOTUS overturns Roe v. Wade; Minnesota expects to become safe haven for abortion seekers

The coalition said they are working to "protect, expand, and destigmatize access to abortion care and all reproductive health care in the state. 

"The effects of these barriers have always fallen disproportionately on Black people, Indigenous people, people of color, queer folks, trans folks, disabled folks, people with low incomes," said Shayla Walker, executive director of Our Justice. 

UnRestrict Minnesota said they are preparing for an influx of people from out of state who are seeking abortions. 

"Although Minnesota faces significant challenges to meet this moment and meet the need, we are ready for this moment. We are prepared, we have a plan, and we're going to meet the challenge," said Megan Peterson, executive director for Gender Justice. 

Both sides focused on their efforts moving forward, especially with the upcoming midterm elections. 

Blaeser said, "We have elections coming up so continuing to work to elect pro-life legislators, and to continue to educate the public on what today means and what work we still have to do." 

Meanwhile, campaign director for UnRestrict Minnesota Abena Abraham said, "I believe that people are not just going to vote because of a familiar face but they're going to vote because they're motivated by what happened today and understand that nothing is safe."  

RELATED: In Wisconsin, Supreme Court ruling appears to revert state to 1849 abortion ban

RELATED: Minnesota policymakers react to Roe v. Wade decision

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