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Walker campaign says Canada wall comments 'misrepresented'

Scott Walker's presidential campaign spokeswoman says the Wisconsin governor is not advocating for building a wall separating Canada and the United States.
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MADISON, Wis. - Scott Walker's presidential campaign spokeswoman says the Wisconsin governor is not advocating for building a wall separating Canada and the United States.

Walker spokeswoman AshLee Strong said Monday that Walker's comments on the issue had been misinterpreted.

Walker was asked Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" whether he supported building a wall. Walker said that he has heard about security concerns along the Canadian border, and "that is a legitimate issue for us to look at."

Democratic Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy called building a wall a "terrible idea."

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul called it "pretty dumb." And Mike Murphy, the head of the Right to Rise super PAC supporting Jeb Bush, said on Twitter that Walker was distracted by focusing on building a wall between the U.S. and Canada.

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