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Fire department: Crystal ball started fire in Wisconsin home

Crews said sunlight shone through the glass decoration, focusing light onto a couch.
Credit: Peter Kim - stock.adobe.com

LAKE DELTON, Wis. — A glass "crystal ball" decoration placed in a sunny spot led to a house fire, the Delton Fire Department said. 

In a Facebook post, the fire department said they were called to a Delton home on Monday. When crews arrived, they saw visible smoke and found that the fire was just in the home's living room area. No one was injured, but the fire department said damage was estimated at $250,000. 

When crews investigated, they said they found the cause of the fire: a glass "crystal ball" on a table near a couch. The fire department said when sunlight shone through the windows and directly through the ball, it ignited the couch. 

The Delton Fire Department cautioned people to keep items like crystals, mirrors, glass decorations and bottles out of direct sunlight -- especially near anything flammable. 

"These items can act just like a magnifying glass and focus sunlight so that the energy, which would normally be spread out over a wide area, is delivered to a much smaller point," the fire department wrote. 

You can see photos provided by the homeowner in the post below.

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