ST. PAUL, Minn. - A new study says a 10-cent refund on recyclable drink containers would cost beverage producers $29 million a year but boost recycling and create a net gain of over 1,000 jobs in Minnesota. The system could also cost consumers $74 million for containers they don't recycle.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency commissioned the study at the Legislature's request. The agency released a draft of the cost-benefit analysis Thursday.
The study says a 10-cent refund would result in recycling around 107,000 tons of containers that currently get trashed, or about 1.9 billion units, and reduce container litter 85 percent.
Minnesota recycles about 45 percent of its beverage containers. The MPCA has set a goal of bringing that up to 80 percent.
Recycle Smart Minnesota says a container deposit would be costly to consumers and businesses.
A public meeting on the draft is set for Tuesday.