CHANHASSEN, Minn. - Aggressive zebra mussel treatment on a popular west metro lake appears to be a success, according to initial indicators.
The treatment with a copper-based product called EarthTecQZ was done after just over a dozen juvenile zebra mussels were discovered near the boat landing on Lake Minnewashta on August 18. The decision to aggressively treat the 29-acre bay known as 'Little Minnie' was made by a joint partnership of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, Carver County and the Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association in coordination with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR).
'Little Minnie' is three times the size of an area treated at Christmas Lake in 2014, which was deemed too small after zebra mussels were found outside the zone. The Lake Minnewashta response is the largest known open water treatment for zebra mussels in the state of Minnesota.
“By broadening our response well beyond the spot where the zebra mussels were found, we improved our chances for success,” said Fieldseth. “We learned from Christmas Lake that you need to treat the largest area feasible and we are pleased we were able to do that.”
Chemicals were used in Lake Minnewashta at a much lower concentration than in Christmas Lake, which saved money and lessened impact on other life forms.
Continued monitoring over the next few years will confirm whether zebra mussels spread to other parts of Lake Minnewashta before the treatment process was started. .