ST PAUL, Minn. - Move over, April the Giraffe... the Minnesota DNR eagles are ready for their turn in the spotlight.
The eagle cam, sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Nongame Wildlife Program, is in its fifth year of operation. There are currently three eggs in the nest, and they could start hatching over the weekend (March 3-5).
The DNR reminds viewers that these are wild animals living in the natural environment. On their website they warn viewers, "Natural struggles will occur and some of the feeding or other wild bird behaviors may be difficult to watch."
The male and female eagles take turns sitting on the eggs. Check out the DNR website for more information on the pair and eagles in general. You can donate to the Nongame Wildlife fund.
And don't forget you can still watch April the giraffe as she waits for her calf to be born.