FALCON HEIGHTS, Minn. — We love seeing what is new at the U!
We thought we would check in with the University of Minnesota Bee Squad at their Bee Lab. Becky Masterman fills us in on how the bees are doing this season and how you can continue to help them.
She says, "The University of Minnesota Bee Lab's mission is to promote the conservation, health, and diversity of bee pollinators through research, education, and hands-on mentorship."
They work as a team to support over 400 native Minnesotan bees, and also manage honey bees.
While the Bee lab works to support bee health, Masterman says they depend on the public to engage in pollinator friendly activities, such as planting pollinator friendly flowers - and keeping them free of pesticides.
Anyone can help support bee populations by snapping photos of them and sending them to Bumblebee Watch's website.